The Economic Contribution of Solo Sekaten Festival by Means of Tourist Spending

(1) Trisakti School of Tourism, Indonesia
(2) Trisakti School of Tourism, Indonesia

AbstractThis quantitative research This research aimed to investigate whether tourist spending of Sekatenfestival has its economic contribution to local area. Two hundred thirty-four questionnaires on visitor profile, trip characteristics, visitor experience, also trip segments and spending, were distributed to and collected from Sekaten visitors. This study concludes that Sekaten has economic contribution to the economy of Solo through visitor spending. Visitor spending especially for shoping, food and baverage and lodging. Important findings are that the spending of visitor overnight trips is greater than day trips. KeywordsTourist spending, Sekatenfestival, Economic contribution
Article DOIDOI: https://doi.org/10.33122/ijase.v2i3.143 |
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Copyright (c) 2019 Wijayanti Dewi Prabandari, Myrza Rahmanita
International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics (IJASE) | E-ISSN: 2685-2691