Development of Learning Package in Increasing Housewives’ Knowledge about Marketing of Chili Processed Products in West Bandung - Indonesia

(1) Faculty of Literature, University of Darma Persada, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Literature, University of Darma Persada, Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Literature, University of Darma Persada, Indonesia

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the learning package in increasing the housewives’ knowledge about the marketing of chilli processed products. R&D is chosen by involving 100 housewives in Tangsi Jaya village, Gununghalu district, West Bandung regency as a randomly selected sample. There are two groups that have been determined, one group housewives who have read the learning package (treatment) and one other group housewives who do not read the learning package (control). Housewife’s knowledge is tested by developing multiple choice tests (33 items and only 28 items are valid with a reliability of 0.960). Data are analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-tests to verify product differences and effectiveness. The results shows that there is an increase in effective and significant knowledge of housewives after they read the learning package of marketing of chilli processed products. Therefore, despite their status as housewives, they have a serious interest in reading and understanding the learning package as a product. Developing of Learning Package of Marketing of Chili Processed Products is very necessary to support the knowledge of housewives in entrepreneurship in order to increase family income. KeywordsLearning Packages; Marketing; Chilli Processed Products
Article DOIDOI: https://doi.org/10.33122/ijase.v2i3.202 |
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Copyright (c) 2020 Nani Dewi Sunengsih, Ardi Winata, Widiastuti Widiastuti
International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics (IJASE) | E-ISSN: 2685-2691