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Development of 5.0 based learning devices using wordpress websites

Sri Wahyuni(1Mail), Jimi Ronald(2), Vivina Eprillison(3), Mona Amelia(4),
(1) Faculty of Economics and Business, PGRI University of West Sumatra, Padang, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Economics and Business, PGRI University of West Sumatra, Padang, Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Economics and Business, PGRI University of West Sumatra, Padang, Indonesia
(4) Faculty of Economics and Business, PGRI University of West Sumatra, Padang, Indonesia

Mail Corresponding Author


This study aims to describe and explain the validity of the device, the practicality of the learning device, and the effectiveness of the learning device through word press media for high school in West Sumatra. This research method is a development model. The test subjects in this development research were high school students from the city of Padang. Instruments used to collect data in this study include: validity instruments, practicality instruments and effectiveness instruments. Data obtained through various instruments qualitatively and quantitatively. The findings in this study are First, the validity of the wordpress-based economic textbook learning tool with a very valid level of validity for linguists. Second, Validity of lesson plans and syllabus learning tools on wordpress-based economic subjects with a level of validity for linguists is very valid. Third, the validity of LKS learning tools on wordpress-based economic subjects with a very valid level of validity for language experts.


development; LKS; e-learning; e-LKS; textbook learning;


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 Abstract views : 230 
 PDF views : 138 


Article Pages

Pages: 18-25


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Copyright (c) 2022 Sri Wahyuni*, Jimi Ronald, Vivina Eprillison, Mona Amelia

International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics (IJASE) | E-ISSN: 2685-2691