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Cultural tourism development through empowerment of the potential village center for Keris craftsmen in Aeng tong-tong village, Saronggi district

Rusnani Rusnani(1Mail), Astri Furqoni(2),
(1) Wiraraja University, Sumenep, 69451, Indonesia
(2) Wiraraja University, Sumenep, 69451, Indonesia

Mail Corresponding Author


Sumenep is one of the cities on the eastern tip of the island of Madura which has a variety of tourism places including natural tourism, religious tourism, and artificial tourism. Aeng Tong-tong Village is located in Saronggi District, Sumenep Regency. This village is the largest keris making center in Indonesia and even in the world, almost all of the people in Aeng Tong-tong village work as keris craftsmen. This situation has been going on for generations since the Sumenep kingdom until now. Because there are so many keris craftsmen in this village, it is designated as "Keris Village". This study aims to determine the potential that exists in the village of Aeng tong-tong and its empowerment as well as the attention of the Sumenep Regency government. The method used is qualitative, the sampling technique is purposive sampling, the main informant is from the Tourism office, the key informant from the head of the cultural tourism manager Aeng Tong-tong, the supporting informants are 2 visitors, data analysis before the field and when in the field, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, conclusion, data validity test through extended observations. The results of the study with the many tourism potentials of Aeng Tongtong village, it is necessary to develop cultural tourism of the keris village which is supported by other tourism, namely nature tourism, religious tourism, historical tourism so as to increase the variety of existing tourist destinations, besides that it is necessary to improve facilities and infrastructure to facilitate tourists visit. With the development of cultural tourism, it will increase tourists both from within the country and from abroad so that it can increase regional original income, reduce unemployment and improve people's welfare.


Cultural Tourism; Keris Craft Center; Village Potential;


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 Abstract views : 280 
 PDF views : 170 


Article Pages

Pages: 66-71


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Copyright (c) 2022 Rusnani Rusnani, Astri Furqoni

International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics (IJASE) | E-ISSN: 2685-2691