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The Uniqueness of Newborn Health Care in The Batak Toba Community

Sri Rahayu Yusnita Situmorang(1Mail), Sri Rahayu Sanusi(2), Fikarwin Zuska(3), R. Kintoko Rochadi(4), Etti Sudaryati(5),
(1) Magister Program School Department of Public Health Faculty, University of North Sumatera, Medan, Indonesia
(2) Public Health Faculty, University of North Sumatera, Medan, Indonesia
(3) Anthropology Department, University of North Sumatera, Medan, Indonesia
(4) Public Health Faculty, University of North Sumatera, Medan, Indonesia
(5) Public Health Faculty, University of North Sumatera, Medan, Indonesia

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This study aims to delve deeper into the uniqueness of newborn care applied by the Batak Toba Community. This research was conducted with a qualitative design using a phenomenological approach, data collection was done by in-depth interviews and observations to 8 informants in Tanjung Bunga Village, Pangururan District, Samosir Regency. The results showed the perspective of the Batak Toba Society regarding the care of newborns from maternal delivery assistance facility, umbilical cord care, children's nutritional needs, child hygiene, martataring/marsilusilu and eating with family as thanksgiving and showing joy because a child had been born inside family. Traditional practices are carried out in accordance with religion, values and beliefs adopted by the Batak Toba family. Traditionally, the practice of welcoming newborns  beneficial to the health of children, especially newborns. However, medically, the traditional practices given will have a positive or negative impact on newborns, so health workers are expected to provide assistance and socialization regarding the tradition of welcoming newborns to suit the needs and health of newborns.


Neonatal Care; Batak Culture; Umbilical Cord Care; Tradition


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 Abstract views : 437 
 PDF views : 226 


Article Pages

Pages: 79 - 88


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Copyright (c) 2019 Sri Rahayu Yusnita Situmorang, Sri Rahayu Sanusi, Fikarwin Zuska, R. Kintoko Rochadi, Etti Sudaryati

International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics (IJASE) | E-ISSN: 2685-2691