Civic Education as a Vehicle for the Development of Civic Intelligence among Young Generation

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi, Indonesia
(2) Department of Primary Teacher Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta,, Indonesia
(3) Department of Pancasila and Civic Education, Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung,, Indonesia

AbstractThe aims of this study is to describe Civic Education as a vehicle for the development of Civic Intelligence, examine Civic Intelligence in the young generation. This study uses descriptive qualitative. The results showed that Civic Education has a role as a facilitator in the development of civic intelligence in the generation seen from the spiritual, rational, emotional, and social dimensions. In detail, the development of civic intelligence in students includes the rational dimension that is finding cause and effect, and being able to make plans. The emotional dimension is being able to interact with their environment, and show empathy. The social dimension is deliberation in solving problems, the ability to understand others. The practical implications of this research is to give contribution to the universities in the form of ideas for the development of civic intelligence among young generation. While the theoretical implication of this research is to provide foundation for further research on Civic Education in the development of civic intelligence.
KeywordsCivic Intelligence; Citizenship; Civic Education
Article DOIDOI: https://doi.org/10.33122/ijase.v2i2.87 |
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Copyright (c) 2020 Nufikha Ulfah, Yayuk Hidayah, Dinie Anggraeni Dewi
International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics (IJASE) | E-ISSN: 2685-2691