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Determination of Employee Productivity : A Case Study At PT. Reliance Sekuritas Indonesia, Tbk Bandung Branch and Tasikmalaya

Tine Badriatin(1Mail), Rudi Setiawan(2), Lucky Radi Rinandiyana(3),
(1) Siliwangi University, Indonesia
(2) STIA YPPT Priatim, Indonesia
(3) Siliwangi University, Indonesia

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This study aims to determine whether there is an influence with the implementation of the provision of incentive programs to increase employee work productivity at PT. Reliance Sekuritas Indonesia, Tbk Bandung Branch - Tasikmalaya, totaling 23 employees. This study used quantitative research methods using surveys of employees with data collection techniques using interviews and questionnaires as well as with documentation studies, where all employees were sampled in data collection. Meanwhile in analyzing the data in this study using regression and hypothesis testing where the results of the hypothesis test on the incentive program variables have significant results on the work productivity of PT. Reliance Sekuritas Indonesia, Tbk Bandung Branch - Tasikmalaya. The results of this study were calculated using microsoft excell 2007 and SPSS 24 which shows that the influence between the incentive system variables on work productivity by the remaining 55.20% is 44.80% influenced by factors other than the incentive system that are not examined.


Incentive programs, Work productivity.


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 Abstract views : 292 


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Copyright (c) 2020 Tine Badriatin, Rudi Setiawan, Lucky Radi Rinandiyana

International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics (IJASE) | E-ISSN: 2685-2691