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Halal Awareness toward the Interest In Buying Foreign Food Product: A Case Study in Korean Instant Noodles Purchases by School teenagers in Jakarta

Savitri Hendradewi(1Mail), Anis Darsiah(2), Amalia Mustika(3), Fachrul Husain Habibie(4),
(1) Trisakti School of Tourism Jakarta, Indonesia
(2) Trisakti School of Tourism Jakarta, Indonesia
(3) Trisakti School of Tourism Jakarta, Indonesia
(4) Trisakti School of Tourism Jakarta, Indonesia

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Good economic growth, a large population, and the majority of the population are Muslim, Indonesia is a lucrative market for marketing a product, so it is flooded with domestic and foreign products. Food products from abroad are much in demand by adolescents or school teenagers, so the adolescents need to be equipped with an awareness of the halalness of a food product. This study uses data analysis methods with validity and reliability, descriptive statistical analysis, Pearson correlation, and data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires to 100 school-aged respondents aged 15-21 located in Jakarta. Sampling using the Random Sampling method.  The stages of the research are surveying with questionnaires to: (i) identify and record the demographic characteristics of the respondents (ii) identify and register sources of information obtained about Korean products (iii) study and analyze halal awareness of the interests of purchasing foreign food products in adolescent school age 15- 21 years (iv)  analyze the influence of halal awareness on foreign food product purchase interests. The results of the research are: (i) Identification and registration of adolescent demographic characteristics (ii) Identification and  sources of information obtained about Korean products (iii) produce analysis of halal awareness of the interest in purchasing foreign food products  (iv) produce an analysis of the magnitude of the influence of halal awareness on the purchase of foreign food products in school teenagers aged 15-21 years.


halal awareness; buying interest; school teenagers


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 Abstract views : 509 


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Copyright (c) 2020 Savitri Hendra Dewi, Anis Darsiah, Amalia Mustika, Fachrul Husain Habibie

International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics (IJASE) | E-ISSN: 2685-2691