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Product marketing strategy of Kapal Api Group uses SWOT Analysis

Fauziah Septiani(1Mail), Kenny Astria(2), Lia Asmalah(3),
(1) University of Pamulang, Indonesia
(2) University of Pamulang, Indonesia
(3) University of Pamulang, Indonesia

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Fastrata buana corporation was founded in 1992 in Jakarta. The fastrata buana handles the sale and product distribution of the kapal api group to ensure delivery to customer. Fastrata buana is the largest distribution company in Indonesia With branch and distribution point in Sumatra, Java, Bali, kalimantan, sulawesi and even Papua.The research aims to see  what is a marketing strategy of the company's products. By doing SWOT analysis, counting the IFAS and EFAS get recapitulation S-W = a score of 1.5 and O-T =  a score of 1,25.It shows that the company's strategy lies within the quadrant 1.  Based on analysis of the internal strategy factors that can be seen in the diagram of the SWOT analysis, where the kopi kapal api position is in quadrant 1 that indicates the SO strategy in the SWOT matrix, which is aggressive strategy.An aggressive strategy is one that uses all the power to seize the opportunity.the strategy is one which gives benefit because having opportunity and power to be used improving Fastrata buana corporation.


marketing strategy, SWOT analysis


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Copyright (c) 2019 Fauziah Septiani, Kenny Astria, Lia Asmalah

International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics (IJASE) | E-ISSN: 2685-2691