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The Impact of Discipline and Motivation Towards Employee Performance in The Permata Pamulang Hospital

Lucia Maduningtias(1Mail),
(1) Deparment of Management, Faculty of Economics, Pamulang University, South Tangerang, Indonesia

Mail Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study is to figure out the impact of motivation and discipline toward the employee performance in The Permata Pamulang Hospital both partially and simultaneously. This study used saturated samples, so all of 55 hospital employees in The Permata Pamulang Hospital be respondents from this study. The data-collecting tool that was used is a questionnaire, and the data used is primary data. Data collected was analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis with hypothetical test, with partial test (t) and simultaneous test (F). The analysis results of the disciplinary and motivational impact towards employee performance in Permata Pamulang Hospital with simple correlation number = 0,857, it means that discipline and motivation have a moderate level of relation towards employee performance. In equations of multiple linear regressions, it was obtained Y = 4,097 + 0.48 X1 + 0.53 X2, which means that when X variable is increased to 1 unit, thus Y variable will increase to 0.48 + 0.53 units at 4,907 constant. Determination coefficient values of 72% show that the amount of disciplinary and motivational variables in the effort to increase the employee performance, the other 28% were affected by other unstudied variables in this study. After significant testing by using the "t test", it was obtained that t-count > t-table where 4,320 > 2,007 which means Ho was rejected and Ha is accepted, this means there is a significant influence between discipline and motivation toward employee performance in The Permata Pamulang Hospital.


Discipline, Motivation, and Employee Performance


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Copyright (c) 2019 Lucia Maduningtias

International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics (IJASE) | E-ISSN: 2685-2691