The Effectiveness of Implementation Family Planning Village Program at Village Beting of Bugis Dalam Subdistrict East Pontianak District in Pontianak City And Village Sepadu Semparuk District Sambas Regency

(1) IAIN Pontianak, Indonesia
(2) National Family Planning Coordinating Agency of West Kalimantan (BKKBN), Indonesia
(3) National Family Planning Coordinating Agency of West Kalimantan (BKKBN), Indonesia
(4) National Family Planning Coordinating Agency of West Kalimantan (BKKBN), Indonesia

AbstractThis study is motivated by the high rate of Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in West Kalimantan, which is at 3.1 children per woman. In addition, information was also found that unwanted and unplanning pregnancies were still high at 9.1 percent, unmet need in 2016 was still 15.8 percent, and the development in family planning participation in the recent decade was still very slow. Generally, this study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the KB Village. The study conducted in this study is an evaluative study with data collection carried out through quantitative and qualitative approaches. The qualitative approach aims to obtain in-depth information about input, process, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting as well as achievement indicators of success. Meanwhile, the quantitative approach was carried out using a structured questionnaire to obtain knowledge, attitudes and community participation related to activities contained in the KB Village Program. The results obtained in this study are the number of active MKJP participants increased from 18 people initially to 28 people. In the aspect of unmet need before the declaration, 22.94% decreased to 19.49% 8) Community knowledge and participation related to activities and programs in the KB Village Beting Village all the people received information about the KB Village from the PPKBD / Sub PPKBD cadres, namely as many as 34 people (68%). Whereas in Sepadu Village, information about the KB Village was obtained from 7 people (14.29%) from PPKBD / Sub PPKBD cadres, the rest was obtained from community leaders of 14 people (28.59%), other sources were 10 people (20, 41%), from PLKB/PKB as many as 5 people (10.20%), PKK as many as 2 people (4.08%) and from nurses/midwives as many as 1 person (2.04%). There is no public participation outside the management in Beting, while in Sepadu there are 62 people. KeywordsImplementation; Program; Village Family Planning
Article DOIDOI: https://doi.org/10.33122/ijase.v2i3.161 |
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Article PagesPages: 136-144 |
Full Text:PDF |
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