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Science Teachers’ Successes and Challenges in Implementing Lesson Study in Junior High Schools in Fukuyama City, Japan

Dave Angeles(1Mail), Takuya Matsuura(2),
(1) Bayambang National High School, Department of Education, Philippines
(2) Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University, Japan

Mail Corresponding Author


This paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of Lesson Study among junior high school science teachers in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima, Japan.  Using the descriptive-survey research design to the two groups (young teachers and veteran teachers) of all the junior high school science teachers in Fukuyama City, assessment on the successes and challenges on Lesson Study was carried out. A survey questionnaire was used to assess the three categories namely professional development, administrative support, and team cooperation among the teachers, in the implementation of Lesson Study and the deep views and opinions were probed using open-ended questions.  Using the Average Weighted Mean, it was found out that science teachers achieved successes or advantages in terms of professional development, administrative support, and team cooperation.  However, the challenge faced by teachers in the implementation of Lesson Study is the availability of time and the category on students’ attitude was perceived as neutral which is neither advantageous nor disadvantageous in the implementation of Lesson Study.  The t-test of independent means made on the relevant data of the two groups bears no significant difference.  This implies that young teachers or those with teaching experience of less than 10 years and veteran teachers or those with teaching experience of 10 years and above are of equal variances in terms of their successes and challenges in Lesson Study.  Lesson Study should be promoted and implemented regularly in all schools at all levels from Elementary to College. Further similar study on a bigger scale could be conducted to establish the reliability of the study.


Lesson Study; Professional Development; Administrative Support; Team Cooperation;


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 Abstract views : 144 


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Copyright (c) 2020 Dave Angeles, Takuya Matsuura

International Journal of Advances in Social and Economics (IJASE) | E-ISSN: 2685-2691